Sprockets Sez:
Not everything that is important can be seen. There are things that happen we cannot fully explain but when we feel something, I believe that makes it real. It may not be real for anyone else but it's real for the one experiencing it.
I did not mean to take that bit of hiatus. I finally realized just how overwhelmed I was with everything and even though my logic brain was telling me I had no reason to feel the way I did... that didn't mean it wasn't true. And while I had everything painted and I just had to scan the images to get them up... I somehow forgot just how ready they were and so I sat on them. Woops!
Important thing though, I'm still going. I took three days off from work to recalibrate and just let myself breathe for a while. Of course, barely before starting the actual vacation part I decided to open up an Etsy store and apply for a business ID in my state. I'm suddenly jumping into something I'm not entirely sure what I will do with fully besides throw what I wish into it and see what comes of it. It's a weird thing to not have to obsessively plan and procrastinate before doing a thing and I have to say it's liberating and actually makes it even a bit more fun.